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Wise Poultry Feeder. 5kg Cage Mounted.
Wise Poultry Feeder. 5kg Cage Mounted.
The 5kg Cage Mounted Wise Poultry Feeder is a unique design that is ideal for all types of Poultry & Game Birds.
This model of The Wise Feeder is for Cage Mounting to the side of a Poultry Run or Cage.
BEC has designed the revolutionary new Wise feeder for poultry and game keepers who are looking to increase the efficiency of their feeding regime.
The Dimensions of the feeder as standard are 300mm x 140mm x 250mm.
Extra sections available seperatley to increase capacity, each cartridge is 300mm x 140mm x 180mm (LxWxH).
The Wise feeder is a modular feeder with 5kg extension cartridges that can vary the capacity from the basic 5kg cage feeder right up to 20kg wall mounted option.
The design allows easy access to the lid of the feeder without disturbing you farm fowl.
It has a rain shield to protect the feed, a fine dust drain in the base and is easy to maintain and clean.
It will take nearly all types of feed and prevents ‘scratching out’ by birds.
The Wise feeder also prevents vermin accessing your expensive feed.
BEC Poultry Feeders & Drinkers are distributed in Ireland by Mac Eoin General Merchants Ltd in Dingle. Co. Kerry.
The Wise Poultry Feeder is Supplied in Green or Grey Depending On Stock.
Can be attached to a post or wall with an additional mounting bracket. ( Not Supplied )
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