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3mm Silicone Tubing for Humidity Management Module. 3m Long

3mm Silicone Tubing for Humidity Management Module. 3m Long

3mm Silicone Tubing for Humidity Management Module. 3m Long

3mm diameter Silicone Water tubing used for interconnecting the incubator or brooder, the Humidity Management Module and the water reservoir.

Suitable for Mini, Maxi, Ovation, Octagon 20 Advance, Contaq X3, X8 and Z6 incubators.

It is also used with the Humidity Pump for the Octagon Advance & Ova Easy Range of Brinsea Incubators.

This silicone tubing is used for the new Brinsea Ovation Incubators as well.

For optimal performance, the tubing will need replacing about every 3 months depending on usage.

Sold in 3m length.



Price: £14.21

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