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General Gamebird Mix. Cover Crop. 1 acre pack.

General Gamebird Mix. Cover Crop. 1 acre pack.

General Gamebird Mix. Cover Crop. 1 acre pack.

By mixing game cover crops it is possible to combine the best feed with the best cover.

MacEoin General Game Mixture Contains:

2.00 kg Sunflower

1.85 kg Linseed

0.25 kg White Clover

0.75 kg Crimson Clover

0.25 kg White Mustard

1.00 kg Hybrid Gorilla Fodder Rape

0.40 kg Birdsfoot Trefoil

2.00 kg Buckwheat

0.5 kg Phacelia


MacEoin Gamebird mixture thrives under most soil and temperature conditions and needs very little attention.

This is an excellent hardy general-purpose game cover mixture that is widely used all over Ireland for Gun Clubs & Shoots.

Blended Game Cover Crop for Irish soil & climate specially for MacEoin General Merchants Ltd.

Best selling general mix gamebird cover crop.

Blended in Ireland for us by Gold Crop.

We have sold versions of this game bird mix for over 30 years in ireland.

Ideal for Cover Crop for pheasant shoots NARGC & Countryside Ireland Gunclubs.

Best sown in April / May but if poor weather it can be sown through to end of June.



Price: £75.51

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