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Hotline Shrike Energiser
Hotline Shrike Energiser
The Shrike 3v Energiser is a modern design ideal for equestrian use on short temporary fences.
Perfect for Gun Clubs for use round Pheasant Release Pens.
This unit is not recommended for use on electrified poultry, sheep or goat netting, but can be used with short rabbit netting.
Place the unit on the fence line between two posts, placed closely together to prevent the unit being blown along the fence line.
Alternatively, the Shrike can slide on to the earth stake which then serves as a stand.
It works off 2 D cell batteries (link below) which will last up to 6 weeks, 24 hours a day (ideal conditions).
There is an On/Off switch plus and LED to indicate that the unit is working.
There is a 2 year warranty on all Hotline energisers.
Performance Figures:
Supply: 3v 2 x 1.5v D cell batteries
Stored Joules: 0.04 joules
Output Volts: 8600v
Output Volts (under heavy load): 580v
Recommended max distance: 0.8km
Approx battery life: 6/8 weeks
Hotline Fencing is Distributed in Ireland by Mac Eoin Ltd of Dingle.
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