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Hotline Gemini 120 Electric Fencing Unit.
Hotline Gemini 120 Electric Fencing Unit.
A good powered fencing unit suitable for up to 4 rolls of Poultry Netting.
Suitable for all farm uses including Rabbit & Sheep Net.
Can be used from mains power or from a 12 volt battery.
Low battery indicator.
Will power upto 18Km of wire or 15 Sheep Nets.
We can supply the correct batteries for these units.
Upto 4 weeks battery life from a 75 Amp/Hr Battery.
Specifications on Gemini 120 :
2.4 Stored Joules
1.2 Output joules
Output volts under heavy load: 4800v
Consumption for mains power: 2.6 watts Approx.
12v battery life: 3 weeks Approx
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