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Turkey / Duck Egg Tray for Brinsea OvaEasy 380 and OvaEasy 580

Turkey / Duck Egg Tray for Brinsea OvaEasy 380 and OvaEasy 580

Turkey / Duck Egg Tray for Brinsea OvaEasy 380 and OvaEasy 580

Species specific egg trays holding 65 turkey  /duck eggs, please note that these trays are not suitable for eggs of any other size.

The following number of trays will fit into the incubator indicated:

OvaEasy 380 - x 3 trays

OvaEasy 580 - x 6 trays

Please note: One replacement tray is supplied, please order the correct quantity you need for your machine.

Not suitable for teh Ovaeasy 100 or 190 cabinet incubators.



Price: £39.98

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