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Phacelia. 1/4 Acre Pack.
Phacelia. 1/4 Acre Pack.
Phacelia establishes fast and matures within 10-12 weeks.
Produces a large root mass making the plant an excellent soil improver and weed suppressant.
Will produce a multitude of flowers attracting beneficial insects.
The plant is a good nitrogen scavenger but can be slow to release this to the following crop.
Supplied in a 1/4 Acre pack.
Cover Crop Ireland.
Sporting bodies like the NARGC & Country Sports Ireland may give a grant for cover crops, check with your RGC or organisation.
Phacelia is a quick growing hardy annual green manure that germinates at low temperatures and is ideal for sowing from March until September.
It will grow up to 1m in height and is tolerant of cold temperatures and may over-winter if it’s not too cold.
It suits most soil types but is particularly good in dry ones.
Phacelia has beautiful scented purple/blue flowers with dense fern-like foliage.
It smothers weeds and has an extensive root system that improves the soil structure.
However it does self-seed very easily so if it is used as a green manure dig in before flowering or cut down and compost the foliage.
It flowers from 6-8 weeks from sowing for a period of 6-8 weeks.
Phacelia is listed as one of the top 20 honey-producing flowers for honeybees and is very attractive to bumblebees and hoverflies. (Hoverflies eat a lot of aphids).
A small patch could be left to flower, especially near to vegetables to attract pollinating insects to the area, but don’t have too many as the insects will feed on the Phacelia rather than the veg.
Phacelia seeds need a fine and fluffy seedbed.
The bed does not need to be deep at all.
A depth of 2 to 3 cms is perfect. Roll or lightly rake in afterwards.
We do not recommend scattering them on uncultivated soil
The plants have few problems with pests or diseases, which makes them an easy and environmentally friendly addition to your green spaces.
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