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Heavy Duty Rat Trap & Tunnel.
Heavy Duty Rat Trap & Tunnel.
This heavy duty plastic rat trap is very strong but easy to use.
The rat clamp is protected by a plastic tunnel, making this rat trap very suitable for use in chicken coops and other animal houses.
The activation pedal of the rat clamp is hidden to avoid accidental trigger order to prevent other animals, making this rat trap a very safe and secure way of catching rats.
This rat trap has two entries, the captured rats can be removed without touching them by opening the plastic tunnel.
Moreover, the rat trap is easy to clean after use.
The bait can be placed from the bottom by a removeable plug
In combination with the plastic tunnel, this makes the rat trap very safe.
The high quality ensures optimal results, the rats will not escape.
This type of trap is also known as the Rat Reaper.