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Fox & Wildlife Repellent.
Fox & Wildlife Repellent.
The Fox & Wildlife Repellent is proven to deter foxes and unwanted wildlife from gardens, poultry & release pens without harming them.
How to use:
Total coverage treatment - for overall garden coverage, 100g of Fox and Wildlife Repellent is sufficient to make 18 litres of spray solution to treat an area of 50 square metres.
Concentrated spot treatment - for targeted spot treatment around specific areas, 100g of Defenders Fox and Wildlife Repellent is sufficient to make 5 litres of concentrated spray solution to treat up to 8 square metres.
Make up the solution as above using 2.5 litres per 50g sachet and stir thoroughly before use.
Apply using a sprayer.
Use round poultry pens & pheasant release pens to deter foxes.
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