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Transport crate for Quail & Pigeons.
Transport crate for Quail & Pigeons.
Poultry transportation crate for pigeons & quail
Orange plastic transportation crate for small poultry / small birds such as pigeons and quail.
Hygienic and practical.
If you keep poultry or raise birds, in most cases you will have to transport them at some point.
Maybe your feathered friends are changing owners, or being taken to an exhibition or competition.
In these cases, a cage makes little sense. It is better if you rely on a poultry or bird transportation crate, to be on the safe side.
This high-quality poultry transportation crate for pigeons or quail offers several advantages.
It is a real bonus for the birds as well as for you:
This plastic poultry transportation crate has a closed bottom.
This ensures that you can stack the crates on top of each other without the birds becoming dirty (e.g. from faeces or feathers).
This crate for transporting poultry, pigeons, quail and other types of small birds is also hygienic because it is relatively easy to clean.
You can access it in two different ways, depending on the needs of your situation:
There is a sliding door on the side, and a hinged door on the top.
Especially if you have to transport multiple crates at once, or if speed is of the essence, these structural features are an advantage.
The orange poultry transportation crate weighs barely more than 2 kg when empty.
Depending on the type of bird, up to 20 will fit inside.
Dimensions: 67 x 40 x 13 cm
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