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Verm-x Poultry Pellets. 250g.
Verm-x Poultry Pellets. 250g.
Verm-X for Poultry, Ducks and Fowl is available as both a macerated liquid and a pelleted formulation.
Both forms are equally effective and have been produced due to the growth of organic and bio-diverse natural farming methods.
The unique liquid formulation is produced through a three week macerating process that ensures its effectiveness and quality.
Customer requests for a pelleted top dressing or for mixing into feeds has come because Verm-X Liquid which is added to drinking water may be difficult to monitor.
Verm-X Pellets for Poultry, Ducks and Fowl are 2mm in diameter and mix well into regular manufactured feeds or home made feeds.
Produced under licence by Gro-Well Feeds Limited in Wiltshire brings over 35 years' of feed production experience.
All ingredients are natural and non-GM and the pellets are produced in one of the UK's only low temperature pelleting facilities to avoid damaging the ingredients during production.
Being a 100% natural herbal formula there is no egg withdrawal period. Verm-X is easy to use by adding to your bird’s feed for three consecutive days each month.
Verm-X for Poultry, Ducks and Fowl is packed in sizes including sensible amounts for the small flock owner.
We have many valued clients with flocks of 3 or 4 hens or just one friendly duck.
Being 100% natural, Verm-X has the added advantage of having no egg withdrawal period.
Additionally the small pellets can be mixed into manufactured or home-mixed feeds.
Feeding Verm-X Poultry Pellets:
Feed 2.5g per bird per day. Mix whole or crushed into daily feed ration. Repeat for 3 consecutive days each and every month.
When introducing Verm-X, or in cases requiring further attention, a double course can be safely fed over 3 days.
Ingredients include:
Sunflower oil, seaweed meal, dicalcium phosphate, allium sativum, cinnamomum zelandicum, mentha piperita, thymus vulgaris, galium aperine, capsicum minimum.
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