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Nettex Total Mite Kill Liquid RTU 2 Litre Refill.
Nettex Total Mite Kill Liquid RTU 2 Litre Refill.
Nettex Total Mite Kill Ready To Use Solution is a highly effective insecticide and disinfectant cleaner for chicken housing.
Kills mites, lice and other crawling insects.
Formulated with an oily base, which penetrates deep into cracks and crevices of housing.
Ready to use formulation in a handy 2 Litre Refill bottle for your sprayer
Contains Permethrin.
Remove birds, eggs, feed and eating and drinking utensils.
Remove all bedding and clean housing thoroughly.
Spray directly onto all surfaces including the underside of the roof taking particular care to spray in hard to reach areas cracks and crevices.
Leave to dry fully (at least two hours) before returning birds to housing.
Apply no more than 1L of product up to 100sqm of surface.
In times of infestation, apply initially, repeat 3 days later and then use weekly as part of your regular cleaning routine.
Nettex Total Mite Kill Ireland
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