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Ground and Bedding Sanitising Powder by Nettex. 5kg Tub. Stock due Mid April
Ground and Bedding Sanitising Powder by Nettex. 5kg Tub. Stock due Mid April
Nettex Ground and Bedding Sanitising Powder is a highly absorbent sanitising powder for use in chicken housing – coops and runs.
Can be used during worming to clear the ground of worm eggs and bacteria.
Helps maintain a healthy environment for poultry.
Contains natural Zeolite and Yucca to absorb moisture, the odour of faeces and organic matter, reducing the risk they pose to birds.
Helps neutralise ammonia and other noxious odours.
Bedding conditioner for chicken coops – can help extend the life of the bedding
Apply powder over the run and inside the housing and nesting boxes.
There is no need to remove bedding and it is safe to collect and eat eggs that have been in contact with this product.
Apply liberally (at a rate of 50g per sq.m.) wherever faeces and organic matter are present.
Nettex products are distributed in ireland by MacEoin General Merchants Ltd.
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