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Nettex Buz Busters Louse Powder 300g
Nettex Buz Busters Louse Powder 300g
Nettex Buz Busters Louse Powder comes in a 300g container and is a louse powder for amateur use.
This louse powder has been formulated to be especially effective against lice and fleas but will also kill most crawling and flying insects such as silver fish, beetles, ants and wasps.
Contains a blend of 3 active ingredients to achieve a rapid knock down and kill but is of low toxicity to mammals.
Nettex are one of the market leading suppliers of animal health products and equipment and have proven to be a frequent choice amongst farmers and other livestock professionals across Ireland, Northern Ireland & UK.
Nettex is distributed in Ireland by MacEoin General Merchants Ltd.
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