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Egg Washer. Rotomaid 200 With Free Egg Basket. No stock until April 25
Egg Washer. Rotomaid 200 With Free Egg Basket. No stock until April 25
This Rotomaid 200 Egg Washer has a heated bucket and a motorised oscillating base.
It comes complete with a plastic coated 200 egg collecting basket.
These Egg Washers are easy to use and all spare parts are available.
Approximate capacity: 200 Hen eggs, 150 duck eggs, 260 pheasant eggs.
Used to wash Hatching eggs & Eating eggs if Country Permits.
Made by Rotomaid in UK. The best Egg Washers available.
NB! For safety reasons it is recommended that both the egg washer base and bucket must be used in conjunction with an R.C.D. power breaker.
The Rotomaid Egg cleaner is ideal for use in small to medium egg farming operations.
Rotomaid Egg Washers consists of a motorised base which gently oscillates temperature controlled warm water with the addition of sanitising Egg Wash Powder and Egg Wash Liquids.
The Rotomaid machine is robust, mobile and easy to use and can be operated from any twin (13 amp) electrical outlet and a clean water supply.
Product specifications: 100 or 200 egg capacity Bucket with an adjustable electronic thermostat to maintan a water temperature of between 35 and 45oC
Powerful, low voltage motor powers the base and is fully compliant with both the EMC and low Voltage Directives.
The base is compatible with both the 100 and 200 egg buckets
Directions for Use:
Fill the bucket with cold water to the Water Level mark. Plug in and switch on. The red LED will switch off when the water reaches the set temperature.
Check temperature using the thermometer provided by placing thermometer in the location hole to the rear of the bucket, taking care to avoid the element.
Adjust the thermostat if necessary to ensure correct temperature is reached.
Dissolve your Egg Wash powder into the water in the unit. Fill a basket with eggs, the dirtiest to the outside. Lower the basket into the solution in the bucket ensuring that all the eggs are covered, remove eggs if necessary to accomplish this.
Plug in the base and switch on. The base will oscillate gently. After a few minutes, dependant upon the degree of soiling, remove the basket of sanitised eggs and leave to dry.
Repeat with next basket of eggs. The solution should be renewed each time five baskets of lightly soiled eggs have been washed.
This procedure maintains the antibacterial and cleaning properties of the solution.
Do not allow the water to become dirty or cold. After use discard the water and rinse the bucket with fresh water.
All chemicals contain biodegradable ingredients and may be disposed of in the foul water drain when spent.
Store in a dry place.
MSDS Sheets are available upon request.
Note: Washing of poultry eggs for sale within the EC market should be undertaken as permitted in the EC Egg (Marketing Standards) Regulations.
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