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Verm-X pellets for Cage Birds. 100g
Verm-X pellets for Cage Birds. 100g
Verm-X is a 100% natural, palatable and easy to use formulation that controls intestinal hygiene whilst being gentle on the gut and digestive system.
Verm-X creates an environment in the gut and digestive system which is able to attack and expel challenges in this area.
Whilst intestinal challenges are more rare with birds kept indoors, infestation is possible and therefore can pose a threat to your pet.
Verm-X Pellets for Caged Birds are extremely palatable and are designed to be fed by adding a pinch to the daily feed ration, every day throughout the year for continual effectiveness, keeping your birds healthy and you happy!
Your bird might exhibit a sudden change in behaviour
They might increase their vocalisation
Their plumage may appear oily
There may be an increased volume of droppings, and they may appear pale or wet
There may be an increased appetite
Sunflower oil, seaweed meal, dicalcium phosphate, allium sativum (garlic), cinnamomum zeylanicum (cinnamon), mentha piperita (peppermint), thymus vulgaris (common thyme), galium aparine (cleavers), capsicum minimum (cayenne), picrasma excelsa (quassia), foeniculum vulgare (fennel), urtica dioica (nettle), ulmus fulva (slippery elm).
Feeding guidelines
The following shows the recommended daily feed amount for caged birds:
A pinch to daily feed ration
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