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Lamping Supplies Ireland.

Lamping Supplies Ireland.

Irelands Largest Supplier of Lamping Equipment is based in Dingle, Co. Kerry & offers an Online & Mail Order Delivery Service throught Ireland & UK of Rabbit & Fox Lamping Supplies.

25 years experience selling Hunting Supplies, Hunting Lamps, Battery Packs, Filters, Bulbs, Reflectors, Chargers etc..

We supply Hunting Lamps by the following Companies & Sell Lamp Spare Parts, Hunting Lamp Batteries & Accessories.

We also supply Lamps for Mountain Rescue & Emergency Services.

Lamps for Sheep farmers for stock control & Head Torches for Lambing.

Tracer Hunting Lamps made by Deben. 140, 170, 210 & HID.

Tracer Lithium Ion Battery Packs made by Deben.

Clulite Hunting Lamps. Made by Cluson. CB2 & Shootalite Lamp & Battery Sets.

Lightforce Hunting Lamps, Bulbs & Filters.

Wild Hunter & UCaller Lights.

Led Lenser & Night Searcher Lamps & Parts Available.


Lamping of Foxes In Ireland - The Legal Position

Section 45 of the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000 amends Section 38 of the 1976 Act which applied to the use of lamps, mirrors, dazzling equipment etc., for the purposes of hunting. Section 38 of the '76 Act was substituted by this completely new Section. The amendment states that it will be illegal for any person to hunt any protected wild animal or protected wild bird while using a lamp, light, torch, mirror or other artificial dazzling device. Also prohibited are any devices for illuminating, image intensifying or heat seeking, night sights, or any device which the Minister may declare as coming within this category.

It will be lawful to use such devices while ringing or marking or while hunting for educational or scientific purposes under licence issued by the Minister. The Minister may amend or revoke an order made under this Section. The most important thing for hunting people to know about this Section is that the ban on the use of lamps and the other equipment mentioned, applies only to protected wild birds and protected wild animals. Therefore, contrary to what some people would assert, and have asserted in the past, even people in regulatory positions, it is not illegal to hunt by lamping foxes or rabbits, neither of which are protected and no licence is necessary. This is a question which comes up again and again. However, please note that while it is not illegal to lamp a fox or rabbit from a public road for the purposes of shooting, it most definitely is illegal to shoot from a road. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the use of a mechanically propelled vehicle may not be used for the purposes of hunting any wild animal, whether the vehicle is stationary or moving. Therefore a hunter must not be in any vehicle while lamping. (Section 44 Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000).

This has always been the case and this distinction needs to be emphasised here. The shot should be taken from inside the field and then at a distance of not less than 60 feet (measured in meters now) from the road and shooting away from the direction of the road. Legally, lamping and shooting are two distinctly different acts.

Supplied by NARGC.


Lightforce Lance

Lightforce Striker

Lightforce Blitz

Tracer 140

Tracer 170

Tracer 210

Tracer Variable Power Lamps.

Red Hunting Lamp Filters

Green Hunting Lamp Filters

Blue Hunting Lamp Filters

Infra Red Hunting Lamp Filters

Amber Hunting Lamp Filters

Bulbs For Lightforce, Clulite & Tracer Lamps.

Lamping Equipment.

Christmas present for fishermen,hunters,shooters.

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