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Grey Crow Cage Trap. Heavy Duty. Flat Packed. Stock Due 14th May
Grey Crow Cage Trap. Heavy Duty. Flat Packed. Stock Due 14th May
This is a Round Grey Crow Cage Trap. Supplied Flat Packed.
It is high and has a large diameter with 4 compartments including call bird compartment.
This Multi Larsen trap / Grey Crow cage Trap has three catching compartments round the edge of the trap and a call bird compartment in the middle.
The side entry sliding trap doors are operated by a wire treadle that is situated inside each catching compartment.
The muilti larsen trap is for magpies and corvid crows.
A trick to catch your first crow / magpie is to place mirrors inside the trap or eggs.
The Trap can catch up to 3 times the amount of magpies / grey crows compared to a conventional square or rectangular larsen trap.
This Grey Crow Cage Trap arrives assembled ready for use.
Remember to check your cage trap at least twice a day and provide your call bird with food, water and a perch (this is the law!!!).
Dimensions: 1010mm wide x 490mm high.
Weight: approx 13kg
Supplied Flat Packed with Instructions & Clips. Assembly & Pliers Required.
Grey Crow Trap Ireland
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Always check with the Department of Agriculture or National Parks & Wildlife Service to make sure your target species is ok to capture.
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