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Lumia 8 Expert Incubator with Humidity Control.
Lumia 8 Expert Incubator with Humidity Control.
The LUMIA 8 Egg Incubator & Sirio Humidity Pump combined: A small, technologically advanced, high performance incubator with Auto humidity control.
Its elegant design with “smart” technology makes this machine smart and easy to use and one of the best in its class.
LUMIA 8 stems from a desire to make the miracle of life available to all. It includes the highest professional incubation technology aimed at those with a limited number of eggs.
The same technology that BOROTTO uses in larger models that can reach a higher level of accuracy and reliability. LUMIA 8 is designed and built to better meet farmyard poultry and valuable species breeding requirements.
Unique Egg Holding System: The first egg holder in the world that can vertically hold any type of egg: from goose to quail ones. Each cup can hold: 1 hen egg (or larger size species) or 4 small eggs, up to a total of 32 quail eggs. An innovative system in egg logistics that contains the most number of eggs in a limited space, thus drastically reducing energy consumption.
Insulated Ventilation System: internal ventilation is supplied by an axial fan that sucks air from the centre and carries it onto the side walls. Moreover, this air movement, together with a refined aerodynamic design, besides guaranteeing a better temperature and humidity uniformity inside the incubator, generates a warm air barrier that ensures effective heat insulation.
TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS INCUBATOR STRUCTURE IN HEAT-RESISTANT ABS WITH BIOMASTER ANTIBACTERIAL ADDITIVE: with the precise aim of reducing heat loss during incubation and hatching, LUMIA 8 is made of a specific HEAT-RESISTANT ABS polymer with high mechanical resistance, which gives the machine a tough and robust design.
A specific BIOMASTER antibacterial silver ion additive is added to the material to prevent the harmful growth of bacteria on the machine surfaces during operation, with consequential bacterial infections to the embryo, which is one of the main causes of death when hatching chicks. ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CONTROL: a sophisticated electronic temperature control device in the incubator allows the user to keep the microclimate inside constant, with an accuracy of 0.1°C.
The electronic system keeps the set temperature uniform despite the external environmental temperature, thus ensuring embryonic growth without decompensation and with higher hatching results!
The system works on the principle of feedback: the temperature taken by the NTC sensor is digitally processed by an advanced Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) algorithm, which eliminates the oscillations that are typical of the simplest adjustments, thus offering quick response and good temperature stability, equal to control solutions used on much more sophisticated equipment.
EGG TURNING SYSTEM: LUMIA 8 automatically turns the incubated eggs for the entire incubation period. The microprocessor inside is programmed to regularly change the inclination degree of the eggs, always varying it differently, exactly as it happens inside a nest.
MAXIMUM VISIBILITY INSIDE: the incubator lid, also in heat-resistant ABS, is entirely transparent to ensure full and constant internal visibility, without ever having to open the incubator during incubation or hatching.
NON-STOP POWER SUPPLY: the LUMIA 8, powered at 12 V, is supplied with an extra cable that can be connected to a vehicle cigarette lighter. If there is a power cut in the house, this device can be connected to any 12 V socket, such as that in a vehicle, to prevent the incubation process from being interrupted.
LIMITED ENERGY CONSUMPTION: The limited requirements of the device are an effective response to the growing demand for energy saving and environmental protection.
The Sirio Pump:
The stability of relative humidity during the incubation process is one of the key element in ensuring a good hatching rate and the birth of healthy and viable chicks.
With this goal in mind, we have designed and built the SIRIO automatic humidifier which allows water to enter the incubator automatically without any operator intervention.
This device, designed for Borotto machines, but adaptable to any brand of incubator, allows an adequate level of humidity during incubation and hatching to be maintained, regardless of ambient humidity changes, enhancing the percentage of successful hatchings of incubated eggs.
SIRIO includes a double-head peristaltic pump controlled by a microcomputer that, thanks to a modified PID algorithm, continuously controls water delivery.
A connected latest-generation electronic sensor (Swiss-made Sensirion), precisely measures the humidity within the machine during the entire incubation cycle.
SIRIO draws from an external water reserve, such as a normal bottle or small tank, entering the amount of water required to ensure the ideal level of humidity as previously set on its liquid crystal display.
As the water is supplied, the display shows the rotation of the motor, providing direct visual information about the device’s operation.
Connecting SIRIO and its water supply to the incubator and plugging it in means you can “forget” everything about humidity until the eggs hatch!
Sirio & Borotto Incubators are distributed in Ireland & the UK by MacEoin General Merchants Ltd.