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Brinsea Ovation 28 EX. Digital Egg Incubator.
Brinsea Ovation 28 EX. Digital Egg Incubator.
The Brinsea Ovation 28 Advance EX incubator is an all-digital incubator with automatic egg turning and integral humidity control.
The Brinsea Ovation incubators are designed with ease of use and consistently high hatch rates in mind with a range of features to suit all bird breeders.
A wide range of features makes the Ovation incubators very suitable for hatching different kinds of eggs.
The Brinsea Ovation 28 has a capacity of 28 hen eggs, 28 duck eggs, 48 quail eggs or 48 pheasant eggs.
These eggs can all be hatched in the standard egg carriers. By purchasing the egg trays for large eggs (product code: BR-OVA28LEC), the Brinsea Ovation 28 Advance EX will also be suitable to hatch goose eggs.
The egg carriers for large eggs can also be used to increase the capacity of quail and pheasant eggs.
The clear cabinet allows you to see every second of an egg hatching.
The digital display shows the incubation temperature (in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit) and the humidity percentage.
The Brinsea Ovation 28 Advance EX comes factory set to the commonest incubation temperature for hens, this is easy to adjust in the digital menu.
The eggs are turned automatically, the turning interval is completely programmable.
The Brinsea Ovation 28 Advance EX offers the security of several alarm systems like high and low temperature alarm limits, but also an unique room temperature alarm.
The Brinsa Ovation 28 Advance EX has integral automatic humidity control: the user dials in the desired humidity level and as long as the water reservoir is topped-up, the incubator does the rest.
The Brinsea Ovation incubators incorporate Brinsea’s new “Induced Dual Airflow” system which represents a breakthrough in incubator design and achieves new levels of temperature consistency for optimum incubation conditions.
The Brinsea Ovation 28 also incorporates Biomaster antimicrobial additives in the plastic which reduces the risk of contamination causing unexplained embryo failing.
Brinsea Incubators are distributed in Ireland by MacEoin General Merchants Ltd. Dingle. Co. Kerry.
We find in reality that egg number in ovation incubators are probably 15% less than stated by the makers.
Brinsea connect app will be available in 2024 for use with certain models.