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NEW - Brinsea Maxi 24 EX Incubator.
NEW - Brinsea Maxi 24 EX Incubator.
NEW Brinsea Maxi 24 EX Incubator with Automatic Humidity Control.
The Maxi 24 EX combines a useful 24 hen egg capacity with a huge specification yet it's easy to use.
It provides the ideal environmental control for maximum hatch rates of small numbers of eggs.
The high frequency turn facility makes these refined incubators ideal for parrots as well as all other eggs up to goose egg size.
With great visibility of the hatching eggs and the convenience of integral water pump, integral automatic humidity control and the latest technical innovations from Brinsea it takes the guesswork out of incubation.
Maxi 24 EX incubator now holds 24 hens' eggs, thanks to Brinsea's new, innovative system of egg disk quadrants.
These quadrants simply clip together to allow eggs of one size to be incubated or eggs of different sizes to be incubated together when using different species specific quadrants.
Comes supplied with quail, hen, duck & goose quadrants as standard.
The Maxi 24 EX turns the eggs automatically and provides full digital control of temperature and humidity.
Brinsea's patented alarms warn of power failure and incubation temperature fluctuations, this machine also features periodic cooling options. With a high frequency turn option this machine is suitable for incubating a wide range of species.
Maximum Egg Capacities (approximate) using egg disks as supplied:
Quail - 40
Pheasant - 40
Hen - 24
Duck - 12
Goose - 8
Comes supplied with one corrugated hatching mat, additional mats may be purchased for future hatches.
Brinsea Incubators for sale in Ireland.
Brinsea Connect version will be available in 2024
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