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Brinsea OvaView High Intensity Egg Candling Lamp
Brinsea OvaView High Intensity Egg Candling Lamp
The Brinsea OvaView High Intensity is similar to the standard OvaView egg tester / candling lamp but with a much higher light output from a higher spec LED.
The greater power in this candler makes inspection of darker and mottled egg shells easier.
Supplied with both the normal flexible black ring to seal against the egg shell plus a smaller version for smaller eggs.
The larger power drain means that rechargeable AA batteries are needed for this unit or high power AA batteries.
Mac Eoin Ltd - Dingle - Co. Kerry - Ireland.
Over 20 years supplying Ireland & UK with poultry keeping & incubation supplies.
A set of batteries with charger can be purchased from Mac Eoin Ltd - part number 25.27
The Brinsea / Mac Eoin OvaView is subject to EU Design Registration No. 001779729-0004
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