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Incubator Storage
Are you finished incubating for the season?
Need some handy tips on preparing your incubator for storage?
Storing Your Incubator After Hatching:
Your incubator should be cleaned immediately after your hatch is complete.
As incubators are warm and wet they are ideal breeding grounds for bacteria and if they have been left with debris from the last hatch they will harbour germs which are highly likely to damage your next hatch.
After removing any old shells, fluff and dirt, it is best to soak non-electrical parts like egg trays in a disinfectant solution for an hour before scrubbing clean.
Do not use the dishwasher!
Clean around heaters and fans with a brush or slightly damp cloth using the same disinfectant solution.
Be very careful not to let water get near any electrical parts including motors, heaters and control housings.
Use Brinsea Incubation Disinfectant or F10 which are both powerful and safe and has been specially formulated to kill bacteria and fungi associated with birds and is available to buy NOW by clicking here.
Leave the incubator parts to dry thoroughly.
If they are properly clean they should no longer have a strong odour.
If stored wet corrosion can damage circuit boards and other components.
We recommend running the incubator dry for 24 - 48 hours to ensure all parts dry out thoroughly.
Please note that corroded parts are not covered under the warranty.
Don't forget to clean any extra parts or equipment you used too.
Once completely dry, store these items in a protective carton or box in a cool dry location where it won't get jostled or knocked over.
Don’t forget to order any incubator spare parts or incubation consumables well in advance - order any parts needed for your next season, such as evaporating papers, silicon tubing for humidity pumps, more disinfectant etc …
Any Questions regarding Incubator Storage please call MacEoin General Merchants Ltd. Dingle, Co. Kerry. Ireland.
Irelands Incubator Store.