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Dingle Alcohol Rub Hand Sanitiser. 100ml
Dingle Alcohol Rub Hand Sanitiser. 100ml
100ml Bottle of Alcohol Rub Hand Sanitiser.
Fully registered & PCS number is 100298.
Formulated to World Health Organisation Recommendations.
The active ingredient (the biocide) is ethanol.
Our formulation contains 80% v/v ethanol, and this is the recommended WHO minimum.
The other ingredients are:
Hydrogen Peroxide 0.125% v/v prevents contaminating spores in bulk liquids.
Glycerol 1.45% v/v is a humectant (emollient) to increase the acceptability of the product.
No perfumes or fragrances have been added to avoid the risk of an allergic reactio.
Used by The HSE, Coastguard, Doctors & Government Agencies.
It is made in Dingle, Co. Kerry, Ireland by the Dingle Distillery.
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