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Gaslight Gas Cylinder & Fill. 5kg.
Gaslight Gas Cylinder & Fill. 5kg.
Let the Gaslight Cylinders distributed in Ireland by Mac Eoin General Merchants Ltd take all the heavy lifting out of your summer holidays.
Innovative and stylish our Gaslight Cylinders are about half the weight of traditional steel propane gas cylinders.
The semi- translucent exterior allows you to see exactly how much gas you have left so no more running out of gas when the shops are closed - you’ll never be caught short again.
The innovative Gaslight cylinder is the smart choice for camping, caravans, boating, barbeques or patio heaters.
The Gaslight 5Kg propane gas cylinder is the perfect recreational partner both at home and away.
Detailed Features:
Height: 384mm
Diameter: 306mm
Innovative semi-translucent cylinder - see exactly how much gas you have left - so you should never be caught short again.
Easy to connect Easy to carry.
Never rusts.
Never run out of gas again!
Patio Gas Dingle,Annascaul,Lispole,Inch,Ventry,Ballydavid,Camp,Maharees,Castlegregor.
Dingle Gas Supplies
Propane Gas Dingle
Gas Light Refills
Gaslight refills
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