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Coleman Unleaded 2-Burner Stove.
Coleman Unleaded 2-Burner Stove.
The Coleman Unleaded 2-Burner Stove is one of those old faithful products.
It is robustly built, all the main parts can be replaced and if you look after it it will be your friend for many years to come.
Any maintenance required can easily be carried out by the experienced user. T
his is normally just a case of cleaning the jet.
Use of the propriatory Coleman Fuel will normally avoid the need as it does not contain the additives that unleaded petrol does.
Why buy me?
The main benefit of Coleman petrol stoves is that not only are they very economical to run but petrol is available the world over.
Operates off unleaded petrol or Coleman® Liquid Fuel
The tank stores within the cooker for transport
Power: 4,225 W
Run time: Up to 2h from one tank
Average Boil time: 4 minutes
Size: 46 x 29 x 12 cm
Weight: 5.3 kg
Coleman Unleaded 2 Burner Stoves are distributed in Ireland by MacEoin General Merchants Ltd
Popular with Irish Campers and Fisherman for generations.
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