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Choosing A Poultry House
How to Choose a Chicken Coop
Both wooden and plastic hen houses have their pros and cons.
Please be aware that some poultry houses for sale can be rather misleading about how many birds will fit inside.
Your coop needs to be big enough for the number of chickens you have, well ventilated and easy to clean.
You can get quite addicted to keeping chickens, so assume you may get more and may need a bigger coop than you first thought – remember, as my dear old grandma used to say, ‘What holds a lot holds a little…’
If you would like more information on poultry housing, or have a question please visit our ‘Contact Us’ page, or call us on 066 9150615 and we will do our very best to help you.
Mike Johnson is a fully qualified Poultry Advisor / Instructor and is at hand to answer any questions you may have.
MacEoin General Merchants Ltd is Irelands Largest Supplier of Poultry & Game Bird Equipment for 30 years.