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ChickenGuard PRO Coop Door Opener & Locking Door Kit - NEW!
ChickenGuard PRO Coop Door Opener & Locking Door Kit - NEW!
ChickenGuard Ireland have put together a kit to combine the NEW 2023 ChickenGuard PRO Automatic Door Opener and their Self-Locking Door - a one-click purchase.
This kit ensures your peace of mind and protects your hens from predators. The Door Opener can be programmed to work from daylight levels or with timer settings, or a combination of both.
The Self-Locking Door automatically deploys two locking wings at the base to make sure no clever claws can get underneath.
The ChickenGuard Door Opener & Door Kit:
- Opens & Closes the door at dawn and dusk - or according to the time settings you choose.
- Prevents determined foxes, badgers, mink and other predators from raising the Coop door
- Allows manual override at the touch of a button to close the door outside the settings times
- Locks the door when closed at night and automatically unlocks it to raise the door in the morning
- Has an integrated LCD screen for ease of use and programming - Instruction booklet included
- Has an innovative door design with a self-locking mechanism and a strong aluminium door with tough recycled plastic runners
- Includes 4 x AA batteries but can be powered via USB or DC cables (not included)
- Designed and engineered in the UK (Cambridge) and made of 100% recycled weatherproof and durable plastic
- 3-Year Manufacturers Warranty with lifetime telephone support on 01223 855636 or email
ChickenGuard unit measures 16.7cm wide x 9.3cm tall and 6cm deep
Aluminium Door 25cm x 30 cm (10in x 12in). Runners Length 59.5 cm (23.5in).
For external fitting only.
ChickenGuard Ireland
Chicken Guard Ireland