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Campingaz Cylinders In Ireland.
Campingaz Cylinders in Ireland for over 25 years have been distributed by MacEoin General Merchants Ltd in Dingle. Co. Kerry.
We supply over 160 Camping Stores, Fishing Tackle Shops, Caravan Parks & Hardware Stores in Ireland with Campingaz Cylinders & Refills.
We Distribute the 904 & 907 Camping Gas Refills & Campingaz 904 & 907 Bottles in Ireland.
Click Here to buy 904 Campingaz Cylinders & Refills.
Click Here to buy 907 Campingaz Cylinders & Refills.
Campingaz 904 & 907 refills and cylinders are easily obtainable in Ireland with stockists in many main towns & cities.
Also plenty of rural stockists of Campingaz Cylinders & Refills at Caravan Parks, Marina's, Fishing Tackle Shops etc
Campingaz Cylinders are filled with Butane Gas and should always have the red security seal attatched. If there is no RED SEAL then do not buy it.
Very portable with a carry handle the Campingaz Cylinders are ideal for Boats, Caravans, Motorhomes & Barbeques.
Handy to have at home if the power goes out with a variety of Camping Lanterns & Camping Stoves available.
Contact us for your local Campingaz Dealer in Ireland North & South.
We also stock Coleman Tents, Kampa Tents, Kampa Air Tents, Highlander Camping Supplies, Yellowstone Camping Equipment, Campervan & Caravan Accessories.
Goods delivered nationwide.
Campingaz Ireland
Camping gas Ireland
Campingaz Ireland
904 Campingaz Ireland
907 Campingaz Ireland