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Humidity Evaporating Pads (pack of 5)
Humidity Evaporating Pads (pack of 5)
A Pack of 5 sheets of A4 size thick white blotting paper suitable for humidity control in most Incubators, including the Brinsea Octagon 20 range and the King Suro Incubators.
Sheets are to be cut to size to fit the required evaporating pad size of your incubator or brooder.
For increased performance, the humidity pad should be replaced after each hatch/brood.
The shell of an egg is very porous, meaning that water can pass through it.
Over the egg incubation period, water passes from the egg to the air outside.
Correct humidity ensures that the right amount of water is lost over time.
It is important to remember that humidity will vary, and this is not a big problem; it is the average humidity that matters more.
Pack of 5 A4 size sheets of thick white evaporating card for Brinsea Mini II, Maxi II, Humidity Management Module or Octagon 100/250 Incubators - Pack of 5
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