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Bird Scarer. Wind Powered.
Bird Scarer. Wind Powered.
A Great Bird Scarer that is wind powered & easily put on a shed or post.
This Rotating wind powered bird scarer uses flashes of reflected sunlight and predator 'eyes' to deter wild birds without disturbing neighbours or domestic birds.
With all-metal construction and long-life ball bearing the bird scarer is build to last.
Supplied with a metal spindle which can either be pushed directly into the soil for lower crops in the garden or strapped to a garden cane or high post with the tie wraps supplied for raising to a higher profile.
Ideal for use in allotments and kitchen gardens and most effective when 3 or 4 are used around a plot and their position is changed periodically.
Ideally suited on free range poultry farms, game farms, release pens or where birds are taking eggs & chicks.
Also suited on sheep farms at lambing time to deter magpies & crows.
We use this bird scarer on our own farm in Dingle with great success.
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