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Bee Flower Seed Mixture. 600g
Bee Flower Seed Mixture. 600g
More than 40 species of wild flowers and herbs, including: yarrow, borage, bird´s foot trefoil, mallow, coriander, carrots, corn poppy, corn-flower, phacelia, sun-flower, dill, sainfoin, prime rose, fennel, field marigold, flax, red clover, white clover, etc..
Real magnet for bees and bumble bees Rich in nectar.
Flowering period from May to October.
Winter-hardy, perennial High diversity of flowers – over 40 species High environmental value.
Conservation Wildflower Mixtures – Technical Information
Note that wildflowers and wildflower meadows need a low fertile soil, preferably well drained.
Avoid compacted soil.
Prepare the ground to a firm, weed free tilth.
Can be sown manually by broadcasting or with sowing machine, spreader or seed barrow.
Sowing depth: maximum 0-0.5 cm Method of sowing: for an even result and best coverage, sow the seed in a crosswise direction.
Sowing pure wildflower mixtures might be a challenge, so try to mix it with sand or broken cereals or similar organic seed additives, or as a companion for grass.
Rolling is advised to secure good soil contact of the seed.
Follow the rule: less is more, so to allow slow establishing species more room and time to develop. Cutting: usually 1-2 cuts per year are recommended.
The first cut early spring, to clean the surface, slow down the quick starting species and give room for the late starters.
Always remove the first cut.
The second cut should be done in autumn.
Always leave the remains of the second cut on the ground for two to three weeks, in order to enable the reproduction, especially of the annual species.
After this time, you should remove the cutting/remains.
Cutting height: not lower than 10 cm
Sow at 4kg per Acre.
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