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Fox Cage Trap. Heavy Duty. Due 17th March
Fox Cage Trap. Heavy Duty. Due 17th March
Professional Heavy Gauge Fox Cage Trap.
Heavy duty 3 mm steel mesh & properly galvanised fox cage.
Better quality than most.
52 cms high x 46 cms wide x 153 cms long.
This Fox Trap is Fastened together by 4 metal rods running the length of the fox cage trap.
There is a Bait door on Top of this Fox Trap above the treadle plate.
Fox Traps Ireland
Fox Traps Northern Ireland
Suitable for the live trapping of Foxes & Dogs.
Live catch trap so non target species can be released unharmed.
Used by dog wardens & councils as well as vets & farmers.
Supplied in 1 box flat packed.
Fox Traps supplied in Ireland by MacEoin General Merchants Ltd, Dingle, Co. Kerry. Ireland.
back to Vermin Control And Traps
*** We cannot ship this product outside the 32 counties of Ireland due to size and weight issues ***
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