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Covid-19 & Deliveries
Coronavirus - COVID-19 Customer Update.
We have had several enquiries from our trade customers and end users about product availability and production in general.
Production is continuing on cages, and we are endeavouring to ship all orders as rapidly as possible after receipt or orders and payment.
On most items we have excellent stocks and do not see any shortages on Incubators, Poultry Equipment, Coal, Gas & Camping Supplies.
Please note that there is unprecedented demand for travel health products, discinfectants & cleaning products and this is having an impact on some delivery times.
We are trying to be as fair as we possibly can be in the allocation of stock to customers' orders, please bear with us as the situation changes every day.
If you need to contact us, please use the usual phone numbers and e mail addresses unless we advise otherwise.
Goods ordered before 9.00am generally will leave that day or certainly the following day.
Deliveries are taking longer with some areas experiencing quite lengthy delays. When your online order ships out you will get a tracking number of the delivery service that have your goods.
Local coal & gas deliveries throughout West Kerry are running as normal.
Campingaz trade deliveries done by our own vans nationwide are currently suspended. Most customers have good stock but contact us for your closest distributor.
Thank you for your patience in this difficult time.
Please stay safe and pay attention to the HSE guidelines.
We are open for collections but not encouraging them. The showroom is closed so viewing of goods at this time is not available.
Mike & all at MacEoin General Merchants Ltd.